Spilling my guts on Surreal Sermons

Just laying low today? Relaxing? Searing the flesh of tasty dead animals?

Why not kick back and listen to the latest episode of THE bizarro fiction podcast, Surreal Sermons?

Host Jeremy Maddux invited me back to chat about the struggle to sell books but the conversation took a turn when I talked about almost dying and my recent experience with a rift in the time-space continuum. TRUE STORY.


Glorious Pax Titanus Fan Art


Yesterday, author Matthew Vaughn posted this piece of Pax Titanus fan art on my Facebook timeline. Matthew is a kickass guy I met though the online bizarro community. He recently released The ADHD Vampire, a fun read that I reviewed right here on my blog.

Mr. Vaughn knows what’s up. As indies, we really only have each other. A rising tide raises all boats. Besides being an author, he is a tireless literary citizen, promoting the work of others with enthusiasm. Indie authors — It’s an ocean of books out there and only by supporting one another do we give our labors of love a chance to find readers and fans.

It was no surprise to me that he would take a moment of his life to sketch the big red guy himself. This excites me to no end…I have no shame in admitting that I love the Pax Titanus universe and all of its characters. Sure, I created them but I would be a fan even if I hadn’t.

Oh the things I want to do! I want to take this world so many places — I want comics and cartoons and more books and action figures and more books and movies and holographic simulations and games and t-shirts and stickers and who-knows-what-else. I have time and money and resources as challenges to face but I have many plans nonetheless.

In this first piece of fan art, I see a bright future and I am encouraged. For any of you who have bought my book, consider whipping up a little something. I will proudly display it here.

Free Pax Titanus Stuff.



Post an honest review for Pax Titanus on Amazon or Goodreads this weekend and I’ll send you some Pax Titanus bookmarks, Leather to the Corinthians stickers, postcards and some mystery items!!!

Just a couple sentences will do. You don’t need to post a book report.

Comment with the link to your review and I’ll handle the rest. Here’s Pax on Amazon for your convenience.

Pax Titanus Giveaway Winners Announced.


Well, it’s a wrap kids. Thanks to all that entered. This was quite a bit of fun for me so I plan on doing another giveaway some time soon.

Until then, do consider picking up a copy of Pax Titanus anyway. If you’re a winner in the future you could always gift it to your favorite maniac.

I’ve just emailed the winners. You might want to check the link to see if you are one of the lucky ones.


Pax Titanus Read-Along NEXT WEEK on Goodreads.


Are you on Goodreads?

If you are, next month (NEXT WEEK) Pax Titanus and the other fine NBAS books will be the featured read in the Bizarro Fiction group.

There are separate threads for each book, an AMA and I’m pretty sure some free stuff will be going down.

You’ll have to join to group, but trust me — these are some good folks. You want to join, you just don’t know it yet.

Hope to see you there.


Kevin Strange Gets in my SHIT.


Hello, my pretties!

Last night I had the chance to stop by the STRANGE THE WORLD show. Hosted by Author/Film Maker Kevin Strange, this comprehensive interview lasted just over TWO HOURS.

I know, two hours. But it’s two hours of ME!

We talked about Pax Titanus, the New Bizarro Author Series, self-publishing, BizarroCon, facing rejection, and the dangers of having an online presence.

If you have the time, please check it out. And please — share with your friends!

Click HERE to watch me in all of my YouTube glory.

Read About Me on Suicide Girls. WTF?

woundedI have recovered well enough from a three day sugar bender and have enough energy to share this recent bit of press with you.

I was just interviewed by the infamous Tiffany Scandal. She’s a bit of a wonder — author, photographer, and model. I was honored to have a chance to stop by her blog.

Check it out here: http://tiffanyscandalsucks.com/blog/2014/12/28/meet-tom-lucas

It’s also up on Suicide Girls, if you aren’t at work or in polite company: https://suicidegirls.com/members/silencia/blog/2798799/meet-tom-lucas-author-of-pax-titanus/

And after you’re done reading, check out her amazing book, There’s No Happy Ending. Click on the image below.



Photo Credit: jarancibia via Compfight cc

Saweet LitReactor Lovin’


Hi all,

LitReactor. Do you know this site? I’ve been reading craft articles on this site for a few years now. One of my favorite authors, Chuck Palahniuk has written many of them.

Now there’s another great article, just posted there today.

Why so great? Why, it’s about me, Pax Titanus, and how the hell it happened.

Uh, fuck yeah.

If you have a chance, check it out!


Hey Skull Crushers!

I’m pleased to announce that my new book, Pax Titanus is also now available in Kindle format.

Also, Pax Titanus is a part of the Kindle Matchbook program (US), so If you buy a new print edition of the book (or purchased one in the past), you get the Kindle Edition for FREE.

If you like rough and raunchy space opera, come on over to Amazon and saddle up.

Amazon Kindle Store US

Amazon Kindle UK

pax cover